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Author Topic: SourceGaurdian error messages

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SourceGaurdian error messages
OP: December 01, 2012, 11:03:40 AM
Update: This post only applies if you are using a version of the cms compiled with sourceguardian. Since version 1.9.2 the cms is now by default encoded in Ioncube to offer better compatibility.

SourceGaurdian error messages

In some cases after installing the cms and trying to view the admin page in your browser you might get a SourceGuardian error message like the one below...

PHP script is protected by SourceGuardian and requires the SourceGuardian loader ixed.5.2.lin. The SourceGuardian loader has not been installed, or is not installed correctly. Please find the required loader within SourceGuardian installation directory or visit the SourceGuardian php encoder site to download it.

This message is displayed if your host does not have a SourceGuardian loader installed on the server. To fix this follow the steps below..

1) Download the required loader file and get specific instructions for your server setup by using the SourceGuardian Loader Assistant (see link below)
2) Copy the loader file into the php extension_dir
3) Add the loader filename to the php.ini file by adding a line pointing to the file eg. extension=ixed.5.2.lin

Note that the loader file required will depend on your servers operating system and the version of php it's running. If you are on shared hosting and do not have access to the extension_dir on your server then you will need to contact your hosting provider to do this for you.

SourceGuardian Loader Assistant

The best way to solve a SourceGuardian error is to use the loader assistant on the their website.

You'll need to upload a simple phpinfo.php file to your server which will output the php settings of your server. When you give the loader assistant this info it will let you know if it is possible and what is required to get SourceGuardian up an running on your setup and it should also give you a link to download the exact loader file required.

phpinfo.php should have the following code to output your php settings..
Code: [Select]



PHP 4 Alternative

If you are on shared hosting and your host won't install the loader for you can try an alternative method by switching to a php 4 version. Some hosts allow you to switch back from php 5 to php 4 using the hosting control panel or a htaccess file. With php 4 the loader file can be loaded automatically from a directory in your websites root folder. Just create a directory called "ixed" and put the required loader file into it.

Ioncube Alternative

Update: Since version 1.9.2 the cms is now by default encoded in Ioncube to offer better compatibility. Ioncube loaders are installed by default on most hosting servers compared to Sourceguradian.

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