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Author Topic: v1.8.1 released

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    • XT CMS
v1.8.1 released
OP: September 02, 2014, 03:58:13 PM
A new version 1.8.1 of the cms has been released. To download this latest version log into your account or download the trial version from the cms demo/trial page.

v 1.8.1
* Now works with PHP 4.3 to 5.5
* New user group controls to set admin access levels
* Added new help documents and context help link to admin header (top-right of page)
* Welcome users-name text added to admin header and admin logout link also moved from side menu to header menu
* Product Qty when modifying order now allows float numbers
* Updated countries_list.txt
* Fixed coupon system bug when php register globals is on
* Log file now keeps last 2000 entries (increased from 500)
* Some minor text/link changes to my account area and change password link moved to settings page in my_account
* Fixed bug - order created date would use registered users created date
* New field added for product volume
* Removed unnecessary user data being included on new orders
* Fixed some bugs with shipping during checkout process
* Parse url script for friendly urls improved
* Cart contents are now retained after a user logout - only personal checkout details are cleared
* Bigger source images used in admin modify pages so they can now easily be dragged and used in content areas
* Code compatibility fix for php4 in update_templates.php
* Fixed add to cart popup issues with products with note form/file upload enabled
* Fixed issue with products and articles not displaying additional page_content areas
* Updated the search_default.php in default theme with more information on usage and search customizing
* Added duplicate product option on the admin modify product page
* Compatibility fixes for local testing on xampp / wamp
* Various other changes and fixes
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